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Conditional queries

Sometimes you might to add where conditions dynamically (base on the user input). This can be achieved in different ways with TypeSQL.

Conditional filters in SQL

This can be done using the IS NULL condition. Here is an example of a query with optional age and name filters:

WHERE (:name IS NULL OR name like concat('%', nameContains, '%'))
AND (:minimumAge IS NULL OR age >= :minimumAge)

Then you can run the query passing only the filters you want: For example, code below will only filter by name:

const users = await selectUsers(conn, {
nameContains: "john",

Or filter only by age:

const usersAbove18 = await selectUsers(conn, {
minimumAge: 18,

Conditional filters in SQL for list

It also works with the IN operator, but you can’t use :param is NOT NULL when :param is a list. Instead you can do as following:

FROM Products
WHERE (:filterByCategory OR CategoryID IN (:categoryIn))

And you can run the query like this:

const products = await selectProducts(conn, {
filterByCategory: true,
categoriesIn: [1, 2, 3],

Or if you don’t want to filter by category:

const products = await selectProducts(conn, {
filterByCategory: false,
categoriesIn: [],

More complicated dynamic queries can be done similarly. But If you need something more dynamic (choose columns to be SELECTed or need conditional JOINs or CTE) you can use the dynamic queries feature.