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TypeSQL with Deno

How to use TypeSQL with Deno

This guide will provide a step-by-step process for using TypeSQL with Deno.

  1. Setting Up a New Project
Terminal window
deno init deno-typesql
cd deno-typesql
  1. Add npm:@lisbql/client as a Dependency:
Terminal window
deno add npm:@libsql/client
  1. Add a Task to Run TypeSQL

Since TypeSQL is used only during development, you don’t need to add it as a dependency. Instead, you can add a script to run it. You’ll also need to specify the necessary permissions for Deno to execute the typesql-cli. Permissions required:

  • --allow-read (-R): Permission to read the node_module folder.
  • --allow-env (-E): Permission to read the enviroment variable (required by some libraries).
  • --allow-ffi: Permission for the libsql dependency.
  • --allow-write: Permission to write the generated code in the folder ./src/sql.
"tasks": {
"dev": "deno run --watch main.ts",
"typesql": "deno run -RE --allow-write=./src/sql --allow-ffi npm:typesql-cli"
  1. Create the typesql.json Configuration File
Terminal window
deno run typesql init

Deno will prompt for permission to write the typesql.json configuration file.

  1. Modify the typesql.json and create the ./src/sql folder where your SQL queries will reside:
"databaseUri": "mydb.db",
"sqlDir": "./src/sql",
"client": "libsql",
"includeCrudTables": [],
"moduleExtension": "ts"
  1. Write your queries
SELECT 1 + 1 as result
  1. Generate the code with TypeSQL:
Terminal window
deno run typesql compile -w

This will generate TypeScript client code for your queries in the specified folder (e.g., ./src/sql).

  1. Import the generated functions:

Now you can import and run your queries from the generated TypeScript code. For example, in your src/main.ts file:

import { createClient } from "@libsql/client/node";
import { myQuery } from "./sql/my-query.ts";
const client = createClient({
url: 'file:mydb.db'
const result = await myQuery(client);
console.log("result=", result);
  1. Run

Finally, you can run with the following command:

Terminal window
deno -E --allow-ffi ./src/main.ts